🔵 QUESTIONS FOR KYLE DOERKSEN OF FUTURE MOTION: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1trWYQHo4D3RxrB_uaG7uniI3K7QGdIRz3H7il99r0QU/edit Two weeks ago, Kyle posted a video called "A conversation with Kyle" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnUD58kaNPc Conversations have two sides. Today, I'd like to share the opposing side of that conversation. 🔵 JW Batteries GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/jw-batteries-being-sued-by-future-motion-makers-of https://www.stokelifeservice.com/ https://facebook.com/permawheelie https://instagram.com/permawheelie 🔵 https://matrix.to/#/#rossmannrepair:matrix.org Post a message on screen http://bit.ly/postamessage Or else I will read it in the normal chat if it is not swamped. I am sorry if I miss your message, I do my best to read as much stuff as I can that is somewhat interesting even if it is a normal unpaid messagA talk with Josh Haley about Future Motion & the Onewheele, but the chat sometimes moves way too fast for me to get things.